
The 6.8.5. Initiative has filed an application with the IRS to become a nonprofit organization. When we have been granted non-profit status, we will have our own donation platform to interact with our donors as well as send out tax letters. Until we achieve that status, we are accepting donations through our church, Calvary Chapel of Troy, Mo.
The steps to donate through Calvary Chapel are outlined below.
1. Go to and select the red give button
2. Choose either a recurring gift or a one time gift
3. Select the UNWED MOTHERS AND WIDOWS fund from the drop down menu
4. Enter the amount you want to donate and hit the "Submit" button
5. Then enter your payment information and relax knowing you have helped someone
6. Calvary Chapel will send you a tax deductible letter in January
* If you would like to send us a donation that will not be tax deductable yet, you can send it to the address below as well.
The check can be made out to 6.8.5. Initiative.
6.8.5. Initiative
c/o Kim Silverberg
130 Harmony Grove Road
Troy, Mo 63379